Pray With Us
We Would Love to Pray for You
Our community's mission is to be open to the Spirit and with listening hearts, we hear God’s call to live our monastic and personal gifts by inviting others to share our community life, by ministering to the people of God, by reverent stewardship of creation, and by bringing Gospel values into a multicultural world.
Simply type in your prayer request below and it will be forwarded to one of our sisters, who will ensure that our whole community prays.
Prayer Requests

"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."
- Matthew 18:20

Liturgy of the Hours
Join Us!
Lauds | Mon-Fri at 9:00 am; Sat-Sun at 10:00 am
Day Prayer | Mon-Sat at 12:45 pm (No Day Prayer on Solemnities)
Vespers | Daily at 4:30 pm
Sunday/Solemnity Mass Schedule
Mass is held at 11:00am in our Chapel