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Benedictine Sisters of Watertown, SD

Mother of God Monastery

We, the Benedictine women of Mother of God Monastery, are a monastic community with rural roots and a pioneering vision. Seeking God together in community is a primary Benedictine value, therefore we are hospitable and compassionate toward one another, and we empower one another to live joyfully. We strive for a balanced life of prayer, work, study, and leisure.


Our Legacy Project: The Village of Harmony Hill



Prayer and Mass

Liturgy of the Hours

Lauds | Mon-Fri at 9:00 am; Sat-Sun at 10:00 am

Day Prayer | Mon-Sat at 12:45 pm (No Day Prayer on Solemnities)

Vespers | Daily at 4:30 pm

Sunday/Solemnity Mass Schedule

Mass is held at 11:00am in our Chapel

Daily Readings

Daily readings are a cornerstone of spiritual growth, as we stay grounded in our faith and connect to the broader Church community.

We invite you to engage with daily readings to encourage a habit of prayer and reflection, to help us prioritize our spiritual life amidst the busyness of daily routines.