Benedictine Sisters
of Watertown, SD
After a rigorous application process and mutual discernment, a woman “enters the community” by moving in and living with the sisters at the monastery. This is the earliest stage of entry into community and usually lasts anywhere from two weeks to two months. Its purpose is to allow for a smooth transition from the lifestyle of a lay woman to the lifestyle of a Benedictine community member. It is a time of orientation and of preparation for entrance into the Postulancy. This period of discernment includes an assessment of the potential member’s background in Scripture, Christian Doctrine, and personal development. The Affiliate will enter into the life and rhythm of the community as fully as possible interacting with the sisters through prayer, work and leisure. She will meet with the Postulant Director for spiritual discernment and transition sessions.
Postulancy is the initial phase of incorporation into the monastic way of life. The goal of this phase is to provide an environment whereby the postulant and the community can mutually discern the postulant’s call to Benedictine life and her capability to live the monastic life. This stage is intended to introduce the postulant to Benedictine spirituality, and to aid in establishing a balance of personal and communal prayer, spiritual reading, and study. This is also a time for the postulant to bond with the community and to discern her readiness to enter the novitiate. The postulant is provided time to make a gradual adjustment to our monastic life-style. The Postulancy is a minimum of six months in length. It may be extended (no longer than a year) if the postulant is not ready to enter the Novitiate.
Becoming a Novice is a deeper transition into the community. The novice now becomes totally dependent on the community for her needs. At this time the novice begins a specific course of study that prepares her for integration into the Benedictine way of life and Mother of God monastery. The novitiate is intended to provide time to more fully understand and live the Benedictine vows of stability to the monastery, fidelity to the monastic way of life (conversion of life), and obedience.This is also a time to bond and be committed to the women of our community and to continue to discern one’s vocation to Benedictine life in Mother of God Monastery.
The Novitiate is at least one year in length and a maximum of two years. At the end of the novitiate the novice may be admitted to first monastic profession.
First Monastic Profession, the final step of Initial Formation, is a period of time during which the sister continues the process of integration into her monastic community and prepares for her perpetual promises (Final Profession). This time provides the sister opportunities for discerning and preparing for ministry options. Her ministry is co-discerned keeping in mind her talents, our community’s charism and mission statement, and the needs of our community, the Church and the world. This time may also include an enriching and extended experience of mission life: participating in ministry with a small group of sisters away from the monastery. After three years in vowed life, a sister may choose to make a life commitment to our community. If she or the community discern that she is not ready for this step, she may renew her temporary profession for another year or more or return to the life of a lay woman in the Church.
With the guidance of her Spiritual Director, her Formation Director, and the approval of the community, a sister will prepare to make Perpetual Monastic Profession. At this stage a sister will leave Initial Formation and will be fully incorporated into the responsibilities and blessings of community. She will engage in full-time ministry and will continue to grow as she shares in ongoing experiences of conversion. Perpetual Monastic Profession is a lifelong commitment to live the monastic life in community as a member of Mother of God Monastery.